SH Series GC Columns
GC Columns & Consumables
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The Shimadzu offers a wide range of GC columns

- Non-polar phase: Crossbond™ 100% dimethyl polysiloxane
- Tested and guaranteed for ultra-low bleed; improved signal-to-noise ratio for better sensitivity and mass spectral integrity.
- General-purpose columns for arson accelerants, essential oils, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), sulfur compounds, amines, solvent impurities, simulated distillation, oxygenates, gasoline range organics (GRO), refinery gases.
- Equivalent to USP G2 phase.
- Similar phases: HP-1ms UI, HP-1ms, DB-1ms UI, DB-1ms, Ultra-1, VF-1ms, SPB-1, Equity-1

- Low-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 5% diphenyl / 95% dimethyl polysiloxane
- Tested and guaranteed for ultra-low bleed; improved signal-to-noise ratio for better sensitivity and mass spectral integrity.
- General-purpose columns for semi-volatiles, phenols, amines, residual solvents, drugs of abuse, pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), solvent impurities.
- Equivalent to USP G27 and G36 phases.
- Similar phases: HP-5ms UI, HP-5ms, DB-5, Ultra-2, CP Sil 8 CB, SPB-5, Equity-5

- Non-polar phase: Crossbond™ 100% dimethyl polysiloxane
- 40% longer lifetime from specially designed fused silica tubing.
- Columns processed for high-temperature applications, such as high molecular weight hydrocarbons.
- Similar phases: DB-1HT, AT-1ht

- Low-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 5% diphenyl / 95% dimethyl polysiloxane
- 40% longer lifetime from specially designed fused silica tubing.
- Columns processed for high-temperature applications, such as mineral oil.
- Similar phases: DB-5HT, VF-5HT

SH-I-5Sil MS
- Low-polarity phase: Crossbond™ silarylene phase 1,4-bis(dimethylsiloxy)phenylene dimethyl polysiloxane
- Engineered to be a low-bleed GCMS column.
- Excellent inertness for active compounds.
- General-purpose columns—ideal for GCMS analysis of semi-volatiles, polycyclic aromatic compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phthalates, phenols, amines, organochlorine pesticides, organophosphorus pesticides, drugs, solvent impurities, and hydrocarbons.
- Similar phases: DB-5ms UI, DB-5ms, VF-5ms, SLB-5ms
- Low-polarity proprietary phase
- General-purpose columns exhibiting extremely low bleed. Ideal for many GCMS applications, including pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), PAHs.
- Unique selectivity.
- Similar phases: DB-XLB, VF-Xms

- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 50% diphenyl / 50% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for pesticides, herbicides, rosin acids, phthalate esters, triglycerides, sterols.
- Similar phases: HP-17, DB-17, DB-17HT, DB-608, SPB-17

SH-I-35Sil MS
- Mid-polarity: Crossbond™ phase (similar to 35% phenyl methyl polysiloxane)
- Very low-bleed phase for GCMS analysis.
- Special selectivity and excellent inertness for substituted polar compounds, such as drugs, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, phenols, etc.
- Provides superior separation for cannabinoids.
- Similar phases: DB-35ms, DB-35ms UI, VF-35ms

SH-I-17Sil MS
- Mid-polarity Crossbond™ phase (similar to 50% phenyl methyl polysiloxane)
- Low bleed for use with sensitive detectors, such as MS.
- Excellent inertness and selectivity for active environmental compounds, such as PAHs.
- Equivalent to USP G3 phase.
- Similar phases: DB-17ms, HP-17, DB-17, VF-17ms, CP-Sil 24 CB
- Mid-polarity proprietary phase
- Ideal for EFSA PAH4 analysis—separates all priority compounds: benz[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[a]pyrene.
- Best resolution of chrysene from interfering PAHs, triphenylene, and cyclopenta[cd]pyrene.
- Complete separation of benzo [b], [k], [j], and [a] fluoranthenes.

SH-I-624Sil MS
- Mid-polarity Crossbond™ silarylene phase (similar to 6% cyanopropylphenyl / 94% dimethyl polysiloxane)
- Low-bleed, high-thermal stability column—maximum temperatures up to 300–320 °C.
- Inert—excellent peak shape for a wide range of compounds.
- Selective—G43 phase highly selective for volatile organics and residual solvents, great choice for USP<467>.
- Manufactured for column-to-column reproducibility—well-suited for validated methods.
- Similar phases: HP-624, DB-624, VF-624ms, CP-Select 624 CB

SH-I-1301Sil MS
- Mid-polarity Crossbond™ silarylene phase (similar to 6% cyanopropylphenyl / 94% dimethyl polysiloxane)
- Highest thermal stability in the industry ensures dependable, accurate MS results and increased uptime.
- Stabilized cyano phase selectivity improves the performance of existing methods. Ideal for solvents, glycols, and other polar compounds.
- Rigorous QC testing ensures inertness and accurate, reliable data for multiple compound classes.
- Similar phase: VF-1301ms

- Non-polar phase: Crossbond™ 100% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for solvent impurities, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), simulated distillation, arson accelerants, gases, natural gas odorants, sulfur compounds, essential oils, hydrocarbons, semi-volatiles, pesticides, oxygenates.
- Equivalent to USP G1, G2, G38 phases.
- Similar phases: HP-1, DB-1, CP Sil 5 CB, SPB-1
- Compatible with ASTM and CGSB for hydrocarbon analysis.

- Low-polarity phase: Crossbondx™ 5% diphenyl / 95% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for drugs, solvent impurities, pesticides, hydrocarbons, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), essential oils, semi-volatiles.
- Equivalent to USP G27 and G36 phases.
- Similar phases: HP-5, DB-5, CP Sil 8 CB, SPB-5

- Low-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 5% diphenyl / 95% dimethyl polysiloxane
- Column specifically tested for low-bleed performance.
- General-purpose columns for drugs, solvent impurities, pesticides, hydrocarbons, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), essential oils, semi-volatiles.
- Equivalent to USP G27 and G36 phases.
- Similar phases: HP-5, DB-5, CP Sil 8 CB, SPB-5

- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 20% diphenyl / 80% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for volatile compounds, flavor compounds, alcoholic beverages.
- Equivalent to USP G28 and G32 phases.
- Similar phases: SPB-20, 007-20, AT-20, EC-20

SH-35 / SH-35MS
- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 35% diphenyl / 65% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for organochlorine pesticides, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), herbicides, pharmaceuticals, sterols, rosin acids, phthalate esters.
- Equivalent to USP G42 phase.
- Similar phases: HP-35, DB-35, SPB-35, SPB-608

- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 100% methyl phenyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for pesticides, herbicides, rosin acids, phthalate esters, sterols.
- Equivalent to USP G3 phase.
- Similar phases: HP-50+, CP-Sil 24 CB, SPB-50

- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 65% diphenyl / 35% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for phenols, fatty acids, triglycerides.
- Equivalent to USP G17 phase.

- Application-specific columns, specially tested for triglycerides.
The SH-65TG phase resolves triglycerides by degree of unsaturation as well as by carbon number.

- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 6% cyanopropylphenyl / 94% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for residual solvents, alcohols, oxygenates, and volatile organic compounds.
- Equivalent to USP G43 phase.
- Similar phases: DB-1301, CP-1301, SPB-1301

- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 6% cyanopropylphenyl / 94% dimethyl polysiloxane
- Application-specific columns for volatile organic pollutants. Recommended in U.S. EPA methods for volatile organic pollutants.
- Equivalent to USP G43 phase.
- Similar phases: HP-624, DB-624, DB-624 UI, VF-624ms, SPB-1301

- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 14% cyanopropylphenyl / 86% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for alcohols, oxygenates, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), pesticides, and fragrance compounds.
- Equivalent to USP G46 phase.
- Similar phases: DB-1701P, DB-1701, CP Sil 19 CB, VF-1701ms, VF-1701 Pesticides, SPB-1701

SH-200 / SH-200MS
- Mid-polarity phase: Crossbond™ trifluoropropyl methyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for solvents, Freon® fluorocarbons, alcohols, ketones, silanes, glycols, and drugs of abuse.
- Equivalent to USP G6 phase.
- Similar phases: DB-210, DB-200, VF-200ms

- Polar phase: Crossbond™ 50% cyanopropylmethyl / 50% phenylmethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for FAMEs, carbohydrates, sterols, flavor compounds.
- Equivalent to USP G7 and G19 phases.
- Similar phases: DB-225, DB-225MS, CP-Sil 43 CB, SPB-225
- General-purpose columns with unique selectivity for pesticides, PAHs, or other semivolatiles. Ideal for low/trace-level analyses.
- Low-bleed, high-resolution columns with unique selectivity.
- Application-specific columns with unique selectivity for volatile organic pollutants. The SH-502.2 column is cited in U.S. EPA Method 502.2 and in many gasoline range organics (GRO) methods for monitoring underground storage tanks.
- Excellent separation of trihalomethanes; ideal polarity for light hydrocarbons and aromatics.
- Similar phase: DB-502.2
The SH-502.2 column will enable you to quantify all compounds listed in U.S. EPA methods 502.2 or 524.2, whether you use a mass spectrometer or a PID in tandem with an ELCD. The diphenyl/dimethyl polysiloxane based SH-502.2 stationary phase provides low bleed and thermal stability to 270 °C. A 105-meter column can separate the light gases specified in EPA methods without subambient cooling. Narrow bore columns can interface directly in GC/MS systems.

- Highly polar phase: Crossbond™ 90% biscyanopropyl / 10% cyanopropylphenyl polysiloxane (Non-bonded)
- General-purpose columns for cis/trans FAMEs, dioxin isomers.
- Equivalent to USP G8 and G48 phase.
- Similar phases: DB-23, VF-23ms, SP-2330, SP-2331, SP-2380
- Highly polar phase; biscyanopropyl polysiloxane—not bonded
- Stationary phase selectivity optimized for isomer separation to ensure accurate quantification of critical cis/trans FAMEs.
- Application-specific QC test guarantees consistent, reliable performance for AOAC 996.06 and AOCS Ce 1j-07 methods.
- Excellent sample capacity; no peak distortion means easy, accurate peak integration.
- Similar phases: HP-88, CP Sil 88, SBP-2560

- Polar phase: Crossbond™ polyethylene glycol
- Best polyethylene glycol (PEG) phase for alkenols, glycols, and aldehydes.
- Equivalent to USP G14, G15, G16, G20, G39 phases.
- Similar phases: DB-Wax, CP-Wax 52 CB

- Polar phase: Crossbond™ polyethylene glycol
- Low-bleed PEG column ensures long column lifetimes.
- Rugged enough to withstand repeated water injections.
- Equivalent to USP G14, G15, G16, G20, and G39 phases.
- Similar phases: Innowax, CP-Wax 52 CB, VF-WAX MS, Supelcowax-10
- 5% diphenyl / 95% dimethyl polysiloxane
- Optimized for PBDE analysis by EPA Method 1614.
- Short column option resolves BDE-209 three times faster, with less thermal breakdown.
- Unique deactivation gives higher BDE-209 response than competitor columns, for greater analytical sensitivity.
- Exceeds EPA Method 1614 resolution criteria for BDE-49 and BDE-71.
- Dedicated column for organophosphorus pesticides; best column combination for US EPA Method 8141.
- Low bleed - ideal for GC-FPD, GC-NPD, or GCMS analyses.
- Dedicated columns for organochlorine pesticides and herbicides.
- Low bleed - ideal for high-sensitivity GC-ECD or GCMS analyses.
- Baseline separations in less than 10 minutes.
- Analyze EPA Method 8081B, 8082A, 8151A, 504.1, 515, 508.1, and 552.2 compounds without time-consuming column changes.
- Similar phases: DB-CLP1 / DB-CLP2
- Dedicated columns for analyzing volatile organic pollutants by GCMS including methods TO-15, TMS, and EPA 8260.
- Complete separation of U.S. EPA Method 8260 compounds in less than 10 minutes.
SH-Volatil Amin
- Unique selectivity for baseline resolution of all volatile amines.
- Excellent inertness assures accuracy and sensitivity for volatile amines, including free ammonia.
- Highly robust phase withstands repeated water injections, resulting in longer column lifetime.
- High temperature stability (290 °C) ensures elution of amines up to C16 and allows contaminants to be removed by "baking out" the column.
- Similar phase: CP-Volamine
The SH-Volatile Amine column was designed specifically for analyzing volatile amines in difficult matrices, such as water. The unique base deactivation creates an exceptionally inert surface for these sensitive compounds, resulting in highly symmetrical peaks, which allow low detection limits. The stable bonded phase yields a column that is not only retentive and highly selective for these compounds but is also very robust and able to withstand repeated water injections.
- Unique polymer for PCBs analysis by GC-ECD or GC-MS.
- Good results for other semivolatiles.
- GLow polarity; inert to active compounds.
- DApplication-specific columns for volatile organic pollutants.
- CExcellent for U.S. EPA Method 8021 compounds.
The SH-VRX stationary phase and optimized column dimensions provide low bleed, excellent resolution, and fast analysis times for volatile compounds.
- Dedicated column for FAMEs, specially tested with a FAME mixture.
- Equivalent to USP G16 phase.
- Similar phases: Select FAME, Omegawax
SH-BAC Plus 1 / SH-BAC Plus 2
- Optimized column selectivities guarantee resolution of ethanol, internal standards, and frequently encountered interferences.
- Robust and reproducible column chemistry ensures longer column lifetime and consistent results.
SH-5 Amine / SH-35 Amine
- Dedicated columns for amines and other basic compounds, including alkylamines, diamines, triamines, ethanolamines, and nitrogencontaining heterocyclics.
- Polar phase: Crossbond™ acid-deactivated Carbowax™ polyethylene glycol
- Dedicated columns for free (underivatized) acids, some inorganic acids.
- Resistant to oxidative damage.
- Equivalent to USP G25 and G35 phases.
- Similar phases: HP-FFAP, DB-FFAP, VF-DA, CP-Wax 58 CB, CP-FFAP CB, Nukol
- Polar phase: Crossbond™ base-deactivated Carbowax™ polyethylene glycol
- Dedicated columns for underivatized amines and other basic compounds, including alkylamines, diamines, triamines, nitrogencontaining heterocyclics. No need for column priming.
- Similar phases: CAM, CP-Wax 51 for Amines, Carbowax Amine
- High-polarity, stable polyethylene glycol (PEG) stationary phase.
- Low bleed and rugged enough to withstand repeated temperature cycles without retention time shifting.
- Ideal for food, flavor, fragrance, and industrial chemical and solvent analysis.
- Temperature range: 40 °C to 250/260 °C.
- Equivalent to USP G14, G15, G16, G20, and G39 phases.
- Similar phases: VF-WAXms, TR-WaxMS
The SH-PolarWax MS column ensures reproducible retention times from run to run, even with temperature cycling. When methods require trace analysis, this highly polar, low-bleed stationary phase produces excellent signal-to-noise levels! Ideal for food and flavor analysis (e.g., essential oils), fragrance and allergen analysis, as well as industrial solvent and chemical analysis.
SH-Alumina BOND
- The reactivity of the aluminum oxide stationary phase is minimized to improve column response for polar unsaturates, such as dienes, and the column's sensitivity (or response) ensures linear and quantitative chromatographic analysis for these compounds.
- Highly selective for C1 to 5 hydrocarbons
- Separate all saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon isomers above ambient temperatures.
■ SH-Alumina BOND/Na2SO4
- Na2SO4 deactivation
- Acetylene and propadiene elute after butanes.
- Best separation for butene isomers (impurities in butene streams).
- Methyl acetylene elutes after 1,3-butadiene.
- Cyclopropane (impurity in propylene) elutes well before propylene.
- Similar phases: GS-ALUMINA, CP-Al2O3/Na2SO4, Alumina sulfate PLOT
■ SH-Alumina BOND/KCL
- KCL deactivation
- Lowest polarity alumina column in Shimadzu PLOT columns.
- Low moisture sensitivity reduces the need for frequent regeneration.
- Acetylene elutes before n-butane.
- Methyl acetylene (impurity in 1,3-butadiene) elutes before 1,3-butadiene.
- Similar phases: GS-Alumina KCL, HP-PLOT Al2O3 KCL, CP-Al2O3/KCL, Alumina chloride PLOT
SH-Msieve 5A
- Stationary phase: Molecular sieve 5A
- Easily separate permanent gases at temperatures above ambient.
- Improve accuracy with sharp, symmetrical peaks for argon, oxygen, and carbon monoxide.
- Similar phases: HP-PLOT Molesieve, CP-Molsieve 5A, Mol Sieve 5A PLOT
- Non-polar PLOT column incorporating 100% divinylbenzene.
- Excellent for analysis of C1 to C3 hydrocarbons as well as isomers and alkanes up to C12.
- High retention for CO2 simplifies gas analysis; CO2 and methane separated from O2/N2/CO. (Note: O2/N2/CO not separated at ambient temperature.)
- Use for analysis of oxygenated compounds and solvents.
- Similar phases: HP-PLOT Q, CP-PoraPLOT Q, CP-PoraBOND Q, Supel-Q PLOT
- Polar PLOT column, incorporating divinylbenzene ethylene glycol / dimethylacrylate.
- Highest polarity porous polymer column in Shimadzu PLOT columns.
- Highly inert for the analysis of polar and nonpolar compounds.
- Ideal for trace H2S, COS, and mercaptans in hydrocarbon streams.
- Similar phases: HP-PLOT U, CP-PoraPLOT U, CP-PoraBOND U

- Non-polar phase: Crossbond™ 100% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for solvent impurities, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), gases, natural gas odorants, sulfur compounds, essential oils, hydrocarbons, semivolatiles, pesticides, and oxygenates.
- Equivalent to USP G1, G2, G38 phases.
- 4.5" standard coil diameter.
- Similar phases: DB-PS1, UAC-1
SH-MetalX-1HT SimDist
- Nonpolar phase
- Lowest bleed for longest column lifetime.
- Reliably meets all ASTM D2887, D6352, D7169, D7213, and D7500 specifications.
- 100% dimethyl polysiloxane phase allows easy comparisons to historical data.
- Individually tested for guaranteed performance.
- 7" coil diameter.
- Similar phases: DB-HT SimDis ProSteel, CP-SimDist, UltiMetal, ZB-1X SimDist

- Low-polarity phase: Crossbond™ 5% diphenyl / 95% dimethyl polysiloxane
- General-purpose columns for drugs, solvent impurities, pesticides, hydrocarbons, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), essential oils, and semivolatiles.
- Equivalent to USP G27 and G36 phases.
- 4.5" standard coil diameter.
- Similar phases: DB-PS5, VF-5ht UltiMetal

- Midpolarity Crossbond™ phase
- General-purpose columns for alcohols, oxygenates, PCB congeners (e.g., Aroclor mixes), and pesticides.
- Equivalent to USP G46 phase.
- 4.5" standard coil diameter.
- Similar phase: DB-PS1701

- Polar phase; Crossbond™ Carbowax polyethylene glycol—provides oxidation resistance
- General-purpose columns for FAMEs, flavor compounds, essential oils, amines, solvents, xylene isomers, and U.S. EPA Method 603 (acrolein/acrylonitrile).
- Equivalent to USP G14, G15, G16, G20, and G39 phases.
- 4.5" standard coil diameter.
SH-MetalX Biodiesel TG
- Fast analysis times and sharp mono-, di-, and triglyceride peaks.
- Stable at 430 °C for reliable, consistent performance.
- Similar phase: MET-Biodiesel
SH-I Guard / Retention Gap Columns
- Extend column lifetime.
- Excellent inertness-obtain lower detection limits for active compounds.
- Sharper chromatographic peaks by utilizing retention gap technology.
- Maximum temperature: 360 °C.
ID | 5 m | 10 m |
0.25 mm | 227-36303-01 | 227-36304-01 |
0.32 mm | 227-36305-01 | 227-36306-01 |
0.53 mm | 227-36307-01 | 227-36308-01 |
SH-Particle Trap (for PLOT columns)

- Includes two Press-Tight® connectors and a 2.5 m column.
- Protects detector and valves; connects between column and detector or valve.
- Eliminates detector spikes and scratches in valve rotors.
Description | P/N |
SH-Particle Trap for 0.32 mmID PLOT Columns | 227-36800-01 |
SH-Particle Trap for 0.53 mmID PLOT Columns | 227-36800-02 |
SH-IP Guard Columns
- Tested with a comprehensive test mix to ensure high inertness.
- Useful for a wide range of applications.
- Use with most common solvents.
- Maximum temperature: 360 °C.
Description | ID | 5 m | 10 m |
SH-IP Guard Column | 0.25 mm | 227-36320-01 | 227-36321-03 |
0.32 mm | 227-36320-02 | 227-36321-04 | |
0.53 mm | 227-36320-03 | 227-36321-01 |
SH Guard Columns Polar Deactivation
- Polar polyethylene glycol deactivation
- Tested with a comprehensive test mix to ensure high inertness.
- Polyethylene glycol deactivation layer provides optimum wettability for polar compounds.
- Minimize peak splitting when using polar solvents such as methanol or water.
- Compatible with SH-PolarWax, SH-225 and SH-2330 capillary columns.
- Maximum temperature: 280 °C.
Description | ID | 5 m |
SH Guard Column Polar Deactivation | 0.25 mm | 227-36335-01 |
0.32 mm | 227-36335-02 | |
0.53 mm | 227-36335-03 |
SH Guard Columns Base Deactivated
- Tested with a basic amine test mix.
- Excellent inertness for basic compounds.
- Recommended for use with SH-5 Amine, SH-35 Amine, SH-Volatile Amine, and SH-PolarX capillary columns.
- Batch test chromatogram included.
- Maximum temperature: 315 °C.
Chemists using guard columns in the analyses of basic compounds frequently observe peak tailing and low recovery. This happens because conventionally deactivated tubing surfaces can be adsorptive to basic compounds. Shimadzu offers base-deactivated guard columns, as well as base-deactivated inlet liners, for completely inert sample pathways.
Description | ID | 5 m |
SH Guard Column Base Deactivated | 0.25 mm | 227-36334-01 |
0.32 mm | 227-36334-02 | |
0.53 mm | 227-36334-03 |
SH-MetalX-Siltek Guard Column
- Tested with a comprehensive test mix, to ensure high inertness.
- Revolutionary deactivation process for superior inertness.
- Analyze active samples accurately; ideal for chlorinated pesticide analysis (reduces endrin breakdown to less than 1%).
- Maximum temperature: 380 °C.
Description | ID | 10 m |
SH-MetalX-Siltek Guard | 0.53 mm | 227-36319-01 |
Integrated Guard Columns
- No leaks for a more robust method.
- No column connections for easier, faster maintenance.
- No peak distortions due to connector dead volume and thermal capacity.

Column | ID | df | Length | With 2 m Integrated Guard |
With 5 m Integrated Guard |
With 10 m Integrated Guard |
SH-I-5Sil MS | 0.25 mm | 0.25 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76161-30 | 221-76162-30 |
SH-1 | 0.25 mm | 0.25 μm | 30 m | - | 221-75719-31 | - |
0.53 mm | 1.00 μm | 30 m | - | 221-75731-31 | - | |
0.53 mm | 5.00 μm | 30 m | - | 221-75734-31 | - | |
SH-5 | 0.25 mm | 0.25 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76153-05 | 221-76153-30 |
0.25 mm | 1.00 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76179-30 | - | |
0.32 mm | 0.25 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76177-30 | - | |
0.32 mm | 0.25 μm | 60 m | - | 221-76177-60 | - | |
0.32 mm | 1.00 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76180-30 | - | |
0.53 mm | 5.00 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76154-35 | - | |
SH-5MS | 0.25 mm | 0.10 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76189-30 | - |
0.25 mm | 0.25 μm | 15 m | - | 221-75861-15 | - | |
0.25 mm | 0.25 μm | 30 m | - | 221-75861-05 | 221-75861-10 | |
0.32 mm | 0.25 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76190-30 | - | |
SH-1301 | 0.53 mm | 3.00 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76164-35 | - |
SH-624 | 0.25 mm | 1.40 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76183-30 | - |
0.32 mm | 1.80 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76157-35 | - | |
0.53 mm | 3.00 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76158-30 | - | |
SH-1701 | 0.25 mm | 0.25 μm | 30 m | - | 221-76185-30 | - |
SH-I-1MS | 0.25 mm | 0.10 μm | 15 m | 227-36346-01 | - | - |