LabX XRD-6100

Provide solution to XRD analysis by ease of use and versatility Shimadzu XRD are designed with the concept "Provide solution to XRD analysis by ease of use and versatility". Basic system with high precision goniometer can be varied with optional items to adapt to the purpose. Please experience versatility based on firm technology.

Ideal for qualitative and quantitative analysis of free silicic acids and asbestos in the working environment

The Industrial Safety and Health Act of Japan prescribes environmental measurements for 92 substances in the working environment that present a health hazard to workers. These measurements include the qualitative and quantitative analysis of free silicic acids and asbestos in dust by X-ray diffractometer. However, recent revisions to related laws have changed the control concentrations and the analysis procedure for these substances.

This is a package for conducting measurements in the working environment using an XRD-6100 X-ray diffractometer. It provides the sample holder and quantitation software for quantitative analysis using the base standard absorption correction method, based on qualitative analysis of trace samples of free silicic acids and asbestos collected in a filter.


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