SHIMADZU TODAY features Shimadzu Group's latest news, highlights, and stories by categories such as Topics, Technology, CSR, History, Culture, etc. Check out SHIMADZU TODAY and learn more about Shimadzu Group.

- Topics
- Technology
Shimadzu Corporation has released the GCMS-QP2050 quadrupole gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. This product is more durable and provides stable, highly reliable measurement data. The time required for maintenance of the component (ion source) that ionizes complicated samples has been reduced by up to 95 % in comparison to the conventional models.

- Technology
Shimadzu products and technology support our daily lives and activities. Today, we introduce atomic absorption spectrophotometers (AA)!

- Technology
Science and technology support our daily lives. The theme of this article is non-destructive testing using X-rays, and you can feel Shimadzu technology closer to you!

- Topics
- Technology
- People
The Technology Research Laboratory is engaged in Shimadzu’s core technology development and basic technology research. To elevate and diversify research and development and the creation of new businesses at the laboratory, the new SHIMADZU Future Collaboratory research facility has been opened on the grounds of the laboratory.

- Topics
- Sustainability
- People
Shimadzu’s European Headquarters, Shimadzu Europa GmbH (SEG), took part in the Girls’ Day event on April 28th! This marked the second consecutive year SEG participated in this event, and this year, they were able to hold events at in-person venues.

- Topics
- Technology
- People
The Shimadzu Brand Experience exhibit was selected for the iF Design Award 2022, a German design prize! The exhibit was created by Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter SSL), one of the Shimadzu Group companies in China. This is the first time that an exhibition by the Shimadzu Group has received an award.

- Technology
Let’s look at an example of how a Shimadzu product is used in everyday life. The theme of this article is food aromas and gas chromatograph mass spectrometers (GC-MS).
Published twice a year, the free on-line Shimadzu Journal will focus on specific topics in each issue.
It introduces collaborative research, and contains many technical reports and application notes written by Shimadzu.
For more details, visit
The Current Issue:Featuring Forensics/Toxicology

This issue features a special section on “Forensics/Toxicology", an area where science and technology are particularly important and needed. We introduce researchers working on the front lines and highlight applications that make full use of innovative technologies. The first interview is with Dr. Jose Luiz Costa, Professor of Toxicology and Head of Campinas Poison Control Center, University of Campinas. In the second one, we talk with Dr. Michelle Peace, a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. In addition, we highlight three applications on Forensics/Toxicology field from different angles using our latest technologies, and also present information on the latest news and topics.